Welcome to The Fugitive Muse!

I created this blog with a dual purpose in mind. Firstly: as a diary of the song-writing experience so that any budding songwriters out there might gain an insight into this unique creative process. I don't claim to be the best, but I hope at the very least a fellow musician will read it with a sense that they are not alone in thinking how frustrating songwriting can be sometimes!

Secondly, this blog is an attempt to pull myself out of the post-graduation funk that I imagine many of my peers are also wallowing in right now. When I was making my graduation film, Innocence (innocencefilm.blogspot.com), I found that having a blog motivated me enough to actually create things to put on it. In this case, music. Enjoy!

Sarah Coloso Gillespie
19 July 2011.

P.S. Some of my previous attempts can be found at www.myspace.com/sarahcoloso (apologies for the out-of-date information, my MySpace is officially broken).

Thursday 20 October 2011

New song!

Finally! After having frustrating bits and pieces of songs floating about, it's nice to have something that's... well, if not quite perfect yet, at least FINISHED enough that it can be played from start to end.

The origins of this one are somewhat unusual... I was playing a gig at an RAF barbecue in Leuchars, which had been organised by the lovely Cpl. Mark Dalton, an engineer. During my break he took me to see some of the new aircraft he had been working on (extremely expensive, and very cool).

When we were there, he mentioned that there were pilots whose role was simply to sit in the planes on alert for hours at a time, just in case of a sudden, unexpected attack. It was a hangover from the Cold War period, really - but all the same, it got me thinking what it would be like to be one of those pilots ordered to sit and wait in reserve while their colleagues got to go and play the hero in Libya or Iraq or Afghanistan. So this is the almost-finished song - working title "Airspace" (a bit rubbish I know, you are welcome to suggest a better one).

Draw in the mist as the hours slide by

Blink off the crust baked over my eyes

My uniform pressed and a shine on my shoes

I sit like a bishop and wait for my move

I hope to be heard

Before I die on the teeth of the world

Heroes' hopes are crushed

Missiles turn to rust

I will change nothing and nothing will change

But I wait, I wait, I wait…

When will I fly?

Sitting in wait bristling with guns

Buttons that kill and buttons, buttons that stun

Armed to the teeth I believe my time has come

A time eclipsed like the moon over the sun

Shout it out loud

What I want most in the world is to make you proud

Heroes' hopes are crushed

Missiles turn to rust

I will change nothing and nothing will change

But I wait, I wait, I wait…

When will I fly?

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Great Expectations

None of my own stuff in this blog post - just one of the most beautifully crafted lyrics I think I've ever heard, and it's been inspiring me lately. It's called Great Expectations, by the band Elbow, and according to frontman Guy Garvey, is about "a wedding that took place on the bus." Some people have said that this is a wedding that takes place in his mind with a woman on the bus he has fallen in love with from afar, but I prefer to think it actually happened.
And if it rains all day
Call on you, I'll call on you
Like I used to

Slide down beside and wrap you in stories
Tailored entirely for you
I'll remind you

We exchanged a vow
I love you, I always will

A call girl with yesterday eyes
Was our witness and priest
Stockport supporters club kindly supplied us a choir
Your vow was your smile
As we move down the aisle
Of the last bus home
And this is where I go
Just when it rains

Blinking and stoned
Rain in your hair
You only smoke
'Cause it's something to share

Singing, bring on the night
To have and to hold
The sodium light turning silver to gold.

Spitfire thin and strung like a violin, I was
Yours was the face with a grace from a different age
But you were the sun in my Sunday morning
You were the sun in my Sunday morning

Telling me never to go
So I'll live on the smile
And move down the aisle
Of the last bus home

And if you're running late
This is where I'll go
Know I'll always wait


In defence of the cliché

Hello there fellow bloggers.

It has always been a bad habit of mine to overcomplicate lyrics - using five words where one will do in the fear that people won't get what I'm trying to say - and yet in most lyrics, economy is key. Besides, we need only look at SongMeanings.com to see that fans love an obscure lyric - some of the debates on there get pretty vicious! So I put pen to paper and wrote a fairly sparse lyric very quickly.

Stretched out in the sun
You are here
We are one

Safe in your arms
With the trees as our witness

Lie in the grass
My husband to silence

In our house of earth
No one can hurt us

We hide from the world
And bury our secrets

My love
The ground is taking our shape

In the dying light
You held me so tight

As usually happens when I ditch the self-conciousness component of my writing - a few clichés crept in. In fact I've written close to twenty songs since I first started writing and I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've used the word "love" in any of them. With that in mind, I suppose it's time I let myself off the hook. After all, in the words of the legendary Tim Minchin:

"The weirdest thing about a mind
Is that every answer that you find
Is the basis of a brand new cliché."

I suppose that at some point, phrases like "we are one" and "hold you in my arms" were genuinely original at some point in history - someone had to be the first to write that down. And I guess that in the end, clichés are all about context - one line saying "we are one" is fine as long as it doesn't sit in the same verse as "you make me complete," or the creatively suicidal rhyme of "fire" with "desire" or "higher." Or, the classic: "down on my knees, beggin' you please"...

So, there you go. For one song only, I am embracing the cliché. So I shall stick my radio on, hope the DJ plays my favourite song, and keep dancing... all night long.

Did I mention that it's Wednesday night and I'm feelin' alright?


Friday 2 September 2011

What on earth rhymes with "mouth"?

...aside from "south"? I hate words that seemingly have no rhymes. Could be worse - could be "purple."

Thursday 1 September 2011

Bleaching Pigeons

Do not confuse
obsession with love
bleaching a pigeon
does not make a dove

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Houses of Stone

We all build our house of stone
Brick by brick
Safe from harm
We never suspect the ground
...will open up
We all fall down

Something I'm working on. Can't decide whether it's a bit too predictable.


Tuesday 23 August 2011

Have a listen...

Hey folks,

Spent the last couple of days recording an acoustic demo of "How To Hold A Gun" on my 8-track. It's now up on my BandPage, and you can listen to it here:


